This girl is obsessed with pink. I have nothing against the color pink, although I've noticed that I've never really bought her a ton of clothes with pink on them. But, this little pink monster has blossomed and I love it. I love that she has a favorite something, and I love that she has opinions.
She has been pretty insistent on dressing herself for the past few weeks. The outfit usually needs to involve pink. She wears that pink cardigan almost every day. This particular ensemble involves all pink, because she still assumes that red is pink. Also, this outfit is pretty tame for Eliza.
(Also it's a miracle I got a few pictures, since she usually turns sour-faced and yells at me when I take the camera out. In this instance, photos were allowed only because she could take pictures, as well.)
I wish I could get better pictures of her outfits, because they are pretty stellar. She loves skirts and tights, and leans very heavily on her accessories. Bows, bracelets, and necklaces are a staple. And, she is not above wearing socks with sandals. Tutus can be layered, and patterns are a favorite, And the shoes are always the crowning piece. Surprisingly, her outfits tend to match pretty well.
She also loves for me to match her. So, while we get dressed, I usually let her pick out parts and pieces of my outfit. When we are all dressed, she points to me and says, "Mama pitty" and then she might stop and sway in the mirror a little and say, "Eziza pitty."
little girls are the best. period.