central park.




Yes, yes. We are still alive!

I just figured I should post a few pictures to prove it. The past couple of weeks since we arrived in the city have been absolutely crazy. But, we are still alive and very happy, as a matter of fact. Here is a quick rundown:

1. Sam started work. He loves it.
2. Rox watched Felicity on Netflix. She finished it. (Yes, all four seasons. Ben or Noel!?)
3. Rox decided she needed to stop being scared of the city, and did some sightseeing. She loved it.
4. Rox & Sam spent countless hours looking for an apartment. They still haven't found one.
5. Rox & Sam continue to live out of suitcases in their cute little sublet.
6. Rox applies for an internship. She gets it!
7. One week later they offer her a job!

So, there you go. We are both New York career people, just loving it. I work for TH Productions in SoHo, and we are very busy right now preparing for two full-scale runway shows for New York Fashion Week. Yes, somebody pinch me.


  1. wow! so many blessings in just a few weeks! good job. oh, and i'm jealous of yooz-guys too.

  2. Wow! Congratulations. What an exciting month!

  3. Hey! congrats on the new job, sounds amazing. I too have been watching felicity on netflix. I cant decided between ben or nole.
