going, going.


I'm writing to say, "whew..." This has been a pretty crazy two months. We went to Europe for ten days, back to Berkeley for three, on to Utah for ten, back in Berkeley for a few days, and then a week in San Antonio to be with my family after the sudden passing of my Grandma. We have had birthdays, anniversaries, and service opportunities. I am deep in the the midst of recital season, and Sam has been busy with big projects. We have been sick and exhausted. And we have also been happily exhausted. 

We have not sat still for months. And, it feels great to be home.

Let me start by saying I feel so blessed that I was able to do all that we have done. So, despite the feeling that we have just been nonstop "going, going" for the past two months, I wouldn't really have it any other way. Everything has added to our experiences in such a rich way. 

What I do want to write down, for my own sake, is that I want to be better. I want to try harder to give my family the important things while not dwelling on the things that are not. I want to manage my time better, and spend that time on the right things. 

But, what I want to do the most is make sure that I am handling my emotions. Because there will always be crazy times. There will always be unexpected events, stomach bugs, stress fractures, and canceled flights (two flights on one round trip!) There will always be busy seasons, and difficult trials. But, if I can learn to handle them in a way that buoys me up, while lifting my family, then we will survive. And, we will find happiness in it.

I looks forward to sorting through photos and writing about everything that has happened with us lately! I also want to say "thank you" to every single person who has helped us lately. These are the times when you realize how any genuine friends you have. Love you all.

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