baby doll.

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Eliza is obsessed with babies. If she sees one in person, she crouches down and makes an "O" shape with her mouth, scooting closer and closer until she can give the baby a soft hug. If she sees a baby on the side of the diaper box, she points over and over and says "bebe, bebe" in a whisper. And, when she sees the baby announcement on our fridge, she insists that I pull the photo down for her to give kisses to. (Baby Fred, if only you knew how many kisses you're getting over here!)

And then, there's Baby.

Eliza and Baby are the sweetest thing. She carries Baby everywhere. She sleeps with her. She feeds Baby with a little bottle. When Eliza is upset about something, it's usually Baby who finally calms her down. She hugs and kisses her all day long, and often insists that we give her kisses, too. Baby is not allowed to leave the house, though. So when it's time to go, she gives her kisses and says goodbye. When we come home, she runs in the door so she can find baby and smother her with hugs. 

My favorite thing lately is when she pulls out a quilt and attempts to swaddle Baby. She lays the quilt on the floor, places baby in the middle, gives her a kiss, and then folds the entire massive thing on top of baby. Then she picks up the pile of baby/blanket and tries to carry it around the house.

I mean, where does she get this from? I'd like to say that I have something to do with it. But, I really do think that so much of this nurturing is already inside of her. She is such a wild thing- she's loud and fast, stubborn and strong. And yet, you hand her a doll and she will melt, take her in a corner, and whisper in her ear. 

It's pretty amazing seeing this girl grow. She helps around the house, cleans up her toys, and climbs up on chairs to help me cook. She follows directions, and listens to her mama. She's smart and understands most everything I say to her. She dishes out the best facial expressions. She's very independent, so when she reaches out to hold your hand or wraps her arms around your neck, it's all the more special.

I couldn't be more proud of who she is becoming.