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Eliza went on her first campout! Our ward at church had their annual campout at Tilden Park last night, and we decided to brave it. We were a bit nervous, but figured that we would only be 15 minutes from home, so we could just pack up and go if Eliza wasn't into it. But, she loved it! 

And, it felt so good.

It felt so good just pulling out all of our gear and packing up the car, like old times. We haven't been camping in a year, since Coyote Gulch on our visit to Utah last August. Wow, that's crazy. What with New York, the move, the pregnancy, and little E- it hasn't really been on the mind. But, we are glad to be back in the game. 

Eliza loved the flickering fire, and all of the chattering kids. She even stayed up past her bedtime because she was so happy checking out all of the activity. And, it was so fun getting her all bundled up and snuggled between us in the tent. To be honest, we didn't get much sleep. But, we are pretty used to that these days. And, who actually sleeps on a campout, anyway!? 

We had so much fun hanging out by the fire with our friends. The kids were running wild in the woods, with tousled hair and bright eyes. They each found huge sticks that they proceeded to "forge" into swords in the fire. Eliza was in heaven with so much to look at. My favorite moment was when she woke up in the morning to find herself in such a funny place. She just wanted to scratch at every tent surface and chew on every toggle and zipper. And then, when we took her outside, she would wiggle around in her layers of feety pajamas and look around in absolute baby wonder. I love that look. 

Thanks, friends, for good food, good company, and the cutest kids on this side of the Bay!

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