






I married into a family of boys--six of them, to be exact. Yes, after growing up the middle of three sisters, I inherited five brothers. And, while I still hope and pray for baby girls someday, I wouldn't be too unhappy if I ended up with a few little boys (although I really would have no idea what to do with them). But, I have learned quite a bit about them. They play sports...a lot. They eat...a lot. And, there is definitely such thing as "brotherly love." It's really great how much those Gray brothers love each other. They would do anything for each other, and their parents. I wouldn't mind growing old with six grown sons to care for me. And, even though Sam is 17 years older than his youngest brother, they still wrestle around like kids.

Having boys around means that you spend a lot of time in the bleachers, or on the track, watching the guys toss around a ball. You can never expect leftovers, and you should never be surprised at how much ice cream can possibly fit in a bowl. Every dent in the wall has a story. There is always a couple of sets of crutches available. At least one TV in the house has a sports game on it. You can never tell if someone is speaking in real life, or quoting Nacho Libre. You should always keep a safe distance, just in case someone starts wrestling or a ball flies by your head. There are no meals--just a constant flow of food. And, that is where the super mom comes in. Nancy Gray is a saint.

I always miss girl time with my sisters, but I always wanted a brother. And, now I have five. I also have two more sisters! This weekend the brothers are having a "brother weekend," backpacking Coyote Gulch. And, while the boys are away, the girls will play...

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