kimi and nate.



















Kimi and Nate were married at the Newport Beach Temple, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Like I said, I think you can tell how loved a person is by how many people came together to make this day special. Just look at those smiles! They were on top of the world, and I was just so happy to be along for the ride, and to pick up that train whenever I could. Isn't it a gorgeous dress? It was made by the sweetest seamstress who lives in Utah, so let me know if you need any work done. We became pretty good friends last weekend, as we ran all over Orange County together. She was up late with me the night before while I was trying to put together a last-minute hairpiece. And, the flowers were done by Kimi's sister. She needs to start a flower business, right? The bridesmaids dresses were from all over, but they came together perfectly. (We were all a little surprised.) My dress is vintage, and would have made it in the shop if I hadn't snuck it into my closet first.

Everything really did come together perfectly, and Kimi was just so beautiful. What a doll. It's crazy to think that Kimi is married. She was on a mission when Sam and I got married, so we haven't really done all this. One day we were single and running down the street barefoot wearing every piece of costume jewelry we own and every pashmina scarf in the house, and the next minute I am carrying her train while she walks around the temple grounds with Nate's arm around her little waist. I love this girl so much, and I honestly don't think that I could have handed her over to anyone more deserving and loving. These two are in for an eternity of happiness, and I am so excited to watch it all play out. Love you!

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